Workshops for Discovering and Defining Organizational Core values
Values reflect what is important for us, they define who we are. Values are ideals what guide what decisions we make, how we live. Value are like compass, like lighthouse, both for individuals and for organizations. They are like glasses through which we look to the world, they help to define priorities in ever changing environment. That is why it is important to reflect and to discover organizations’ core values and to define behaviors with which these values are associated at out daily work.
"Effectiveness without values is a tool without a purpose."
Edward de Bono“Values are considered to be relatively enduring beliefs that individuals possess, and these beliefs are prescriptions for behaviour.”
Goal of the service is to help leaders of organizations to discover current values as well as to define behaviors that reflect them at daily work.
After the Values workshops questions arise how to enliven most aspired behaviors throughout the whole organization. Thus, important step is to agree what changes need to be made in organizations’ processes in order to demonstrate that these values and behaviors are indeed important, and are not described only for posters on the wall.
In addition, there is a possibility to support managers with relevant training program in which practical toolbox is provided and relevant skills are developed.