Organizational psychologist,
workplace wellbeing consultant and business trainer

My story

Designing and Delivering of Training Programs

Discovering training and development needs, designing, and delivering development events and key skills training programs that are modular and adaptable to the needs of a specific organization and participants.

“Major factor in whether people achieve expertise is not some fixed prior ability, but purposeful engagement”
Robert Sternberg

Main areas and topics include:

  • Self-Leadership and Personal Effectiveness Toolbox.
  • What it means to be a good leader?
  • Facilitation skills for managers. How to foster engagement and taking responsibility?
  • Effective Delegation
  • Effective Feedback
  • Leading engaging meetings in hybrid format
  • Focused storytelling as an effective leadership tool
  • Change Management
  • How to lead meaningful development talks and facilitate designing personal development plan for an employee?
  • How to develop learning skills at daily work?
  • Training of Trainers. Facilitation skills development program for internal trainers - from preparation to skills and knowledge transfer to work.
  • Basics of Sales and Upselling

In above mentioned competence development programs important attention is dedicated to acquiring optimal balance between Mindset, Skillset and Toolset. Programs can integrate individual or team coaching. The programs develop skills, facilitate insights, compilation of ideas and development of personal and team action plan.

"Change is inevitable.
Growth is optional."
John Maxwell


Great cooperation has evolved

"Moller Auto Baltic has been cooperating with Uldis Pāvuls already for many years by implementing together different top and middle level management development programs. During last several years we have worked together also in the process of strategy development. During these years great cooperation has evolved between Moller Auto Baltic and Uldis Pāvuls. He always keeps high level of professionalism and delivers individualy tailored and creative approach. Trainings delivered by him are interesting, engaging and creates a desire to continue to learn and develop. We are very happy to cooperate with Uldis and truly recomend it for other companies which care for employee development."

Elīna Grāvīte
Elīna Grāvīte
Moller Auto Baltic, Manager, People and Culture, Baltics

Trustful, customer needs and results oriented cooperation

"Trustful, customer needs and results oriented - this is how we would describe our previous cooperation with Uldis Pāvuls, SIA Energise. Professional appraoch towards competence development and powerful, experience based knowledge has fostered our common cooperation already in several implemented projects."

Gunita Meiere
Gunita Meiere
JSC Latvijas Finieris, Board Member

Development adventure

"Uldis posess quite unique skill to transform aparently complicated and not so easily understandable concepts into easily comprehensible ones. He designes development process in a way that participants experience it as seamless, supportive, and at the same time, yes, development adventure with elements of fun. After trainings delivered by Uldis I have had a feeling of becoming a better person. Collaboration with Uldis has been definetly among the the best cooperation experiences for me."

Andris Gribusts
Andris Gribusts
Lielvārds, Board Director

Ideas and knowledge that inspires

"Team development events delivered by Uldis Pāvuls facilitates generation of creative ideas and inspires participants to apply shared knowledge at daily work to build teams and to communicate even better with colleagues. Uldis with his with excitement engages participants in experiential excercises, meaningful discussions and practical examples facilitates to conclude that most valuable solutions are the ones that we make and test ourselves during a daily work. Thank you for the work provided, designed and delivered development events for teams of AE Partner."

Jolanta Pavītola
AE Partner, Procurator, CHRO

Support for Strategy development

"Ministry of Health in 2022 to support development of midterm organizational strategy and to moderate strategy development workshops has chosen Organizational Psychologist Uldis Pāvuls. Cooperation was creative, and during it not only online workshops were delivered for managers and employees to compile, discuss and evaluate ideas for most important strategy elements, but also delivered focusgroup in which heads of Ministry of Health supervised organizations discussed future vision and priorities of the Ministry. Thank you for all your help and cooperation!"

Baiba Brasliņa
Baiba Brasliņa
Ministry of Health, Director of Department of Human Resources and Document Governance

Development and results oriented

"Cooperation between LMT and Uldis Pāvuls in variety of projects have been already for more than 10 years. Uldis has been participated in projects of rebranding and our brand revitalization, he have designed and delivered different type of trainings for managers as well as specialists, and also performed considerable study of collaboration. We greatly value not only knowledge and experience of Uldis as an Organizational psychologist, but also his inexaustible interest in latest trends, research studies and topicalities in the area. He is development and results oriented, active, energetic and inspiring. Only positive cooperation that we will continue for sure."

Žozita Beresņeva
Žozita Beresņeva
LMT, Director of People Management

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